You Ought to Be in Pictures – Contest

They say a photo is worth a thousand words and when it comes to communicating about the work we do, that’s definitely the case. Whether you have an open house or a special event or you’re marking an employee anniversary – capturing it on camera – or even on your smart phone – can help you share the event with your co-workers and others. Stock photos can give marketing tools a polished look, which is great, but candids – well composed – can say so much more about who we are.

This is where you come in. Show off your photography skills and not only will the top 3 photos make it into a future newsletter, but you could also win a prize! (coffee card anyone??) DEADLINE: September 30, 2017

If you’re new to photography or even if you’re an old pro, take a look at this list of easy ways to take the best photos ever!

WJS PHOTO CONTEST – Deadline September 30

Submit to:

What: Your best photo that illustrates one of the following themes:

  • People. WJS’s has qualified, well-trained staff who care about our clients.
  • Knowledge. WJS has decades of experience and effective training.
  • Difference: WJS makes a real difference in the lives of our clients and in the communities we serve


  • photos should be high resolution (generally, 1MB minimum) and saved in a jpeg format
  • captions are important! Give us the who, what, why, where, when of your photo
  • clients and non-WJS personnel captured in photographs always need to sign a photo release

Have fun, take photos, and send us your best shots!

Here are some more tips to help you take great shots:

40 Tips to Take Better Photos

Phone Photography 101: How to Take Good Pictures With Your Phone