Great Work!
Great Work!
I want to give a shout out to the great work the Disabilities Sector is doing in Alberta! Over the last month, the success stories coming out of the province are amazing. Here are a few of the success stories.
- With WJS purchasing two homes in Vegreville, staff were able to address some issues of companionability. One individual served has lost 69 lbs and is working part-time since his move to one of these homes in August!
- Westlock staff pulled together and provided emergency respite in a hotel for a young lady who was served by another agency in the North Central region.
- The Fort McMurray staff have pulled together and have done some extensive training over the last couple of weeks to provide supports to two complex needs clients with mental health issues.
- In Edmonton our complex needs client has only had one critical incident in 4 months. This is amazing since we were used to seeing several per week.
- In Bonnyville, our staff pulled together in a time where we were very short staffed and made sure everyone had the necessary support. Their commitment and dedication is unbelievable.
- The IBSS team provided support to all of the above areas to help achieve all of these great things.
All these successes have been achieved by staff pulling together and providing excellent service to the individuals we serve. I am proud to work with each and everyone of you and WJS values your dedication.
Submitted by: Donna Phillips, Regional Service Director Disability Services