Celebrating our Long Service Milestones
This year, WJS Canada recognizes and celebrates the long service of 81 staff members who have a combined 720 years of commitment. At celebrations held in both Edmonton and Maple Ridge, our stars were lauded for their passion, dedication, and most importantly, the compassion they bring to their work every day. Our thanks to each and every one of you.
Lyn Policha, who is retiring in September, also was recognized for her 34 years at WJS.
Her first day was April 1st 1984 and was one of WJS’s first employees. She’s worn many hats over the years – chief bottle washer, executive assistant, policy analyst. A tribute video was created to commemorate her time at WJS and Bill Stelmaschuk, Peter Farnden, Monty Chew and others spoke about their years working with Lyn. They spoke of Lyn’s forthrightness, her persistence, her willingness to learn and grow, and her driving abilities. Dawn Yuen read a letter from Lyn’s sister who was unable to attend the event (Lyn was hippie apparently!). Congratulations to Lyn and to all our long service milestone achievers.
Twenty-Five Years
Joyce Allers, AB
Joan Brost, AB
Twenty Years
Balwinder Bains, BC
Shamatie Devi, BC
Julieann Haubrich, BC
Denise Robinson, BC
Karen Topham, BC
Fifteen Years
Leonard Allison, ON
Wayne Engels, BC
Karen Hillman, Spirit of Our Youth
Jeffrey Leroux, ON
Hope MacIntyre, AB
Charlene Wilson, ON
Ten Years
Carolann Bosma, AB
Dean Bradley, BC
Crystal Bryan, BC
Stephanie Cady, AB
Teresita Castaneda, BC
Valerie Costigan, AB
Joy De Los Santos, BC
Michelle Dhalla, AB
Leslie Dionicio, BC
Stacey Douglas, AB
Bonnie Elder, AB
Delicia Enns, AB
Andrew Fralic, Spirit of Our Youth
Roya Hajizadeh, BC
Lorraine Lang, ON
Lynn Libbrecht, AB
Verna Longmore, Spirit of Our Youth
Jagdish Malhi, BC
Stephanie Metlewsky, AB
Jaclyn Milligan, AB
Karren Mogg, Spirit of Our Youth
Michelle Neaves, AB
Sherry Paine, BC
Debra Pickering, BC
Todd Stevens, AB
Lynnett Stucky-Mack, BC
Florence Taylor, ON
Five Years
Tara Badger, AB
Kenneth Benson, AB
Nancy Blancher, AB
Andre Bolduc, AB
Caryn Byers, BC
Melgie Carumba, BC
Sheldon Chartrand, AB
Judith Coloma, BC
Amanda Crysler, BC
Brittany Cumbleton, AB
Vincent Deyan, AB
Doris Dwumfuo, Spirit of Our Youth
Evangeline Emezieke, AB
Robert Grenier, ON
April Hauck, AB
Jennifer Hayes, BC
Tami Huet, BC
Dovwe Idugun, AB
Joan Jensen, AB
Sarah Jones, AB
Amarjit Kandola, BC
Robert Keys, BC
Denise Lapierre, Spirit of Our Youth
Aaron McClelland, BC
Teame Mesghena, Spirit of Our Youth
Joan Miranda, AB
Teddidah Ninepence, AB
Jean Noskye, AB
Funmilayo Oladimeji, AB
Hussein Ossudallah, AB
Laurie Peddle, AB
Baljit Sangha, BC
Vunzi Segapara, AB
Peter Sidhu, BC
Primrose Sifelani, AB
Alberto Sindayen, BC
Marie Stad, AB
Ndikum Tashi, AB
Igor Vinogradsky, BC
Jacky Weber, AB
Kimberly Willey, AB
Freya Zurcher, BC