Social Media – We need your help!

The communications team (okay, that’s a misnomer, it’s just me!) is reviewing all of our social media platforms and I need your help to make sure we’re hanging out with our nearest and dearest friends in the communities where we serve people. Our social media supports our work by connecting us closer to community and connecting our communities closer to us.

This is what I am looking for:

Politicians: MPs, MPPs, Mayors, City Councillors, School Board Trustees, Ministers with portfolios dealing with justice, Indigenous peoples, children and families.

Our service partners and other key stakeholders.

Community and recreation centres.

Facilitators, common interest groups, specialty magazines, key influencers and expert resources in the field.

Local media outlets: community papers, radio stations, TV stations

You … do you run a WJS-themed account? If so, let’s connect to follow, like, tag, and share.

All I need is a name, even if you’re not sure they’re on social media or what platforms they’re on. I can do the research from there.

Thank you for your help! Please email your suggestions to Theresa Gebrail.