A message from Tim Beachy, Chair of the WJS Board

Happy Holidays

We are coming up to an annual celebration of change: holidays, festive days and significant events.  I celebrate Winter Solstice, the Christian Christmas and the coming of the New Year. Many will celebrate other special religious and secular times. Whatever you celebrate, I wish you the very best – for you, your family and your friends.

This is a difficult time for some. If you are alone and not feeling like celebration, please remember that there are people who care for you. Search out someone you care about to share your time and space. Just as the people we serve lean on you for support, you also need people on whom you can lean.  Let’s support each other through this season.

I am happy that WJS is in good, strong and committed hands. I realize that change is afoot in many parts of the company and I thank each of you who play a part in making those changes. Some of the change may be difficult to implement. Some may be long over-due. Some change may seem to you like it is unnecessary. I am confident that the WJS Strategic Plans made last year are moving forward with clear, measurable and positive outcomes. I hope these changes have made positive changes on your work. Again, thank you for your assistance.

On behalf of the Board of Directors I want to thank Caroline Bonesky for her distinctive, open and friendly, personal and professional leadership as CEO.  We recently celebrated her first two years of service with us and I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate her for the successes we are experiencing this year.

I also want to thank the other Board Directors, all of whom have performed strongly and in a united fashion to keep improving our Company:

  • Adam Borgida for his persistent, insightful and professional leadership as Board Director and Vice Chair, his leadership of the Conflict of Interest Review Committee and the good humour he brings to the Board.
  • Debbie Olinyk for her outstanding performance as a Board Director and Chief Human Resources Officer, her leadership of the Board’s Risk and Governance Committee and her commitment to the people who work for our company.
  • Donna Philips for her commitment, breadth of knowledge, her leadership of the Finance and Audit Committee and her long-term vision for the company’s best results for the people we serve.
  • Lisa LaForge for her on-the-ground good sense, her leadership of the Human Resources and Leadership Committee of the Board, and her commitment to quality services throughout the company;
  • Monty Chew for his sterling performance as a Board Director and Chief Financial Officer, for his leadership in financial planning and his long-term commitment to make WJS the best it can be.

Finally, I want to acknowledge and thank Lyn Policha for her long-term commitment to and leadership of WJS Canada. She was intimately involved with setting up the Board of Directors and ensuring that the company is in good hands as she departed from her daily tasks in head office. We wish her the very best in her next endeavours. We miss her already!

I hope your holiday season is fun and filled with good things for you and yours.

Tim Beachy
Chair, WJS Canada